Inside and Outside Edge Control Drill Both Crossovers Backwards and Forwards Around The Centre Ice Circle Practice Drill

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This tutorial/drill covers all 4 edges and crossovers, both forwards and backwards (in both directions), it’s one of the best drills for edge control and crossovers I’ve used.


Join us as we work on some of the most fundamental skills needed in order to develop as a skater and hockey player. This Skating Edge Control Drill will work on the following


  • Inside edge while skating forward
  • Outside edge while skating forward
  • Inside edge while skating backwards
  • Outside edge while skating backwards
  • Balance
  • Transitioning from forward to backwards
  • Crossing over in both directions while skating backwards
  • Crossing over in both directions while skating forwards
  • Confidence around corners (both ways)

This drill will involve skating around the centre ice circle both cloth wise and anti-clock wise (backwards and forwards) To begin the Inside and Outside Edge Control Drill, start by deciding which (length ways or long way side) of the rink you wish to face, this will drill involve having your upper body constantly facing the same direction while you transition forwards to backwards

Once you’ve decided which side you wish to face, begin by either skating backwards or forwards clock wise while making sure your upper body is facing the direction if chose.

In my example here, my upper body is facing the camera.The next stage is to switch or ‘transition’ from backwards skating to forwards skating once you get half way around the circle.

Once you reach the half way point, you’ll need to switch or transition from backwards skating to forwards skating remembering to have your upper body facing the direction you decided on at the beginning of this drill (my upper body is facing the camera).

Repeat this process each time you reach the half way point of the circle .

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