FWD PowerShot – The world’s most advanced sensor for hockey sticks. admin·February 19, 2014“The FWD Powershottm allows you to measure the power and speed of your shot and the amplitude and execution...IceInlineProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
On The Pond – Why do you love hockey ? admin·February 16, 2014Pond Hockey Mini Documentary. Every year a community of friends meet from around Helsinki, Finland. Their mission, to...Travels·1 Comment·
How to lift the puck of the ice in hockey and score more goals admin·January 22, 2014Learning how to lift the puck off the ice is an essential skill when starting out in hockey....GuideIce Hockey TipsShooting·0 Comments·
COLT Hockey Increased Strength. Increased Durability – Engineering a Better Hockey Stick admin·January 20, 2014A new hockey stick introduced to the world mid-late 2013 has been doing some rounds online. This new...IceLatest NewsProduct Reviews·1 Comment·
What Skills You Need To Know Before Learning How To Play Ice Hockey – Joining A Rec Team admin·January 11, 2014Thinking about learning hockey? Here are a few of the fundamental skills that I recommend learning fairly well...GuideIce Hockey Tips·0 Comments·
How To Clean Your Ice Hockey Equipment Prevent Stinking – Wash Hockey Pads And Stop Bad Smell admin·December 22, 2013After you’ve been using your hockey equipment for a season or two, its likely to have picked up...GuideIce Hockey Tips·0 Comments·
Sheffield Steelers Elite Ice Hockey League – EIHL Interview With Gord Baldwin and Danny Meyers admin·November 17, 2013Following the Sheffield Steelers (EIHL) Elite Ice Hockey League game against the Nottingham Panthers on Saturday 16th November...Latest News·0 Comments·
The Best Ice Hockey Store In The (United Kingdom) UK PuckStop.com admin·July 25, 2013. We were kindly invited to take a road trip North to Sheffield home of the best hockey...Latest News·7 Comments·
Brand New CCM RBZ Ice Hockey Skates admin·July 7, 2013The latest and greatest creation from CCM Hockey. The premium CCM RBZ Ice Hockey Skates! This new innovative...IceLatest NewsProduct Reviews·1 Comment·
How To Pivot In Ice Hockey Power Skating – Learn to pivot forwards to backwards or forward tutorial admin·May 15, 2013In this article I’ll be showing you how to do one of the most essential skating skills any...BackwardsGuidesSkating TipsTurning·2 Comments·