SideStep – Cross Lateral Movement Ice Hockey Power Skating Agility, Balance Drill

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The SideStep drill will help you develop the ability to move quickly and effectively laterally on the ice. Lateral movement is one aspect that i feel is neglected when skaters are training. It adds a totally new way of moving on the ice that can seriously benefit any hockey players or skater.

How does it work ? 

With any drill on the ice remember to keep a wide base, and lower centre of gravity for better control and balance. You should also try and keep your shoulders square to the ice and head up to keep you balance.

Key points 

  • lower centre of gravity on the ice (bend your knees over the toe caps of your skates to achieve this)
  • Wide base for better balance and control (have your skates shoulder width apart to do this)
  • Shoulders and chest square to the ice (for balance, control and good posture)
  • Head up (balance)


The Side Step is almost like a crossovers but to the site, you need to make sure that your not directing yourself forwards or backwards as you need to practice moving in an East to West movement on the ice. If you’d like to practice moving laterally to the left, you need to lift and cross your right skate over your left (as shown below).
(In this image, my left skate will be your right)


After lifting and crossing your right skate over your left, you need to recover your left skate and place it back along side (parallel) the right.


In order to generate speed and power while performing this drill, remember to use your inside edges and also the toes of your blade to push into the ice and give yourself that explosive power. When Side Stepping and moving laterally to your left, you need to lift your right skate over the left one, before lifting your right skate up, you should push into the ice with your right skates inside edge and as you lift the blade off the ice, use the toe area of the inside edge to really dig into the ice and propel you laterally. This gives you that explosive power. When recovering your left skate to bring it back along side your right, you need to push into the ice with your left skates outside edge (around the toe of the blade) to give you that explosive power and speed.


With any drill on the ice remember to keep a wide base, and lower centre of gravity for better control and balance.


Key points
  • Use the inside edge of the right skate around the toe section to dig into the ice and push you laterally when moving laterally to the left. When recovering the left skate, use its outside edge around the toe to also dig into the ice and propel you laterally
  • Reverse these instructions when moving laterally to the right.

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