ProSharp HOME Skate Sharpener For Hockey Players, Goalies and Figure Skaters

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Personal skate sharpeners have always been an incredibly useful idea. The problem has always been finding one that produces a worthy result. ProSharps HOME unit does this with ease. We can fearlessly say that the quality of sharpen will easily rival the best you’ve had in your local Pro Shop. The most undertone point about using a ProSharp HOME over visiting a Pro Shop is the consistence. As your  ProSharp HOME unit is a fine tuned and incredibly accurate machine, it will produce the exact same finish and sharpen every single time you use it. Consistence is key! Regardless of how long your local sharpener has been honing their skills, they are human, which means human error. It’s impossible for them to sharpen your runner the exact same way every time you visit. This is where ProSharps HOME unit deliver in abundance! Same consistence feeling and result 100% of the time.

* Please ensure you have the following accessories with your ProSharp HOME skate sharpener: BAT (for checking your runners edges are level) Hone (for refining your runners and removing burrs after sharpening)

How does the ProSharp HOME skate sharpener work?

Similar to your regular Pro Shop sharpeners, the ProSharp uses a diamond coat wheel to sharpen your skates. All you need to do is clamp the skate in place (ensuring its placed inside the HOME unit the preferred way) and press the start button… It’s as simple as that!

ProSharp HOME skate sharpener review2016-11-24 at 17.41.20

Check your edges before using the ProSharp HOME skate sharpener

It’s imperative that you check your skates edges before placing them into your ProSharp HOME. To do this, we suggest ensuring  you have a BAT which is used to check skates edges are level. Why we suggest doing this before use is to determine the condition of your edges before they are sharpened. If the condition isn’t good, they may require a little more attention. Your ProSharp will perform 1 pass (or cycle) which is in other words the sharpening wheel going from left to right then right to left (if looking at it from the front). For a regular sharpen, we would recommend anywhere from 3-4 cycles. If you find your edges are uneven, we would recommend anywhere from 6-8 passes. Check your edges with the BAT after honing the blade to ensure they are level.

ProSharp HOME skate sharpener review2016-11-25 at 10.42.18

How to you Calibration the ProSharp Home Skate Sharpener ?

ProSharp HOME skate sharpener has a calibration wheel besides the diamond coated sharpening wheel inside the machine. This is used to adjust the position of the sharpening wheel to ensure it comes into contact with the runner correctly. There are a few options you can use to check your unit is properly calibrated. We’ll include a video tutorial below that will show you exactly how to do this and other useful tips like maintenance.

ProSharp HOME skate sharpener unit

How long will the ProSharp Home Skate Sharpener wheel last ?

Your sharpening wheel will easily do 500+ paris of skates. On average, this means a single players will be able to use this one wheel for over 9 years! You’ll know when its time to replace your sharpening wheel when you see a mirror finish groove in the centre of where the runner comes into contact with the diamond coated wheel.

What sharpening options are available for the ProSharp HOME?

ProSharp give you the choice of which sharpening/grinding wheel you want. You can also now purchase ProSharps Channel Z sharpening wheel. Channel Z allow you to reduce the depth of your hollow while still maintaining enhanced bite on the ice. This essentially gives you the best of both worlds, a bigger portion of the blade sitting on the surface of the ice for GREAT gliding, speed, and reduced fatigue while still maintaining great agility.

3/8,  1/2,  3/4,  5/8,  7/8,  1/1, Channel Z

ProSharp HOME skate sharpener review2016-11-25 at 10.44.24

Is the noise from the ProSharp Home Skate Sharpener normal?

The ProSharp HOME skate sharpener will make noise! its a diamond coated steel wheel touching a steel blade. This noise is completely normal! Do not be alarm! The noise isn’t important only the finish and sharpening result is. Keep that in mind.

ProSharp HOME skate sharpener review2016-11-25 at 10.42.11

How much does ProSharp HOME skate sharpener cost?

Currently the ProSharp HOME is price at 1,799 Euros (look out for holiday discounts and offers). On average being used by just one hockey player, this machine will pay itself back in 3 years. If you intend on using the ProSharp HOME with your team, family and friends, it can pay itself back in as little as 1 year.

ProSharp HOME is built to be portable!

ProSharp HOME skate sharpener will not only give you a fantastic sharpening result, its also completely portable! You can carry your ProSharp with you anywhere include overseas as hand luggage!

ProSharp HOME skate sharpener review2016-11-25 at 10.43.42


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