A hockey training app by Hockey Revolution

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Hockey Revolution have created a training system that gives players detailed instructions on how to maximise from each of the products you can purchase https://www.myhockey.eu

Hockey revolutions app review 2017-09-21 at 09.31.49

Their system is built around a free app that provides a variety of training exercises that can be customised around what aspects of the game a player wishes to develop. From shooting, stickhandling, conditioning workouts to improving peripheral vision. All of these skills can be improved while practicing using their products.

My Enemy

Hockey revolutions app review 2017-09-21 at 09.32.23

My Puzzle System

Hockey revolutions app review 2017-09-21 at 09.32.02

My Shooting Pad Pro

Hockey revolutions app review 2017-09-21 at 09.33.18

My Targets

Hockey revolutions app review 2017-09-21 at 09.33.07 my target system

Practically all of Hockey Revolutions products come with colour and number coordinated zones.Hockey revolutions app review 2017-09-21 at 09.33.07


These work hand in hand with their app which provides instructions on where to move the puck using these coordinated zones. Not only is this a much more dynamic way of training verses just stick handling side to side, your able to work on a wide range of skills which includes:

  • Keeping your head up
  • Peripheral vision
  • Multitasking (looking on the screen for instructions while stick handling)
  • Dynamic stickhandling
  • Improving your feel for the puck

Pick up your Hockey Revolution training aids 


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