Learn all the steps of how to start playing ice hockey as an adult in the UK, USA and Canada.
How To Start Or Get Into Playing Rec Ice Hockey As An Adult
So you want to play hockey? You’ve watched the tutorial videos, you’ve been skating public sessions, you’ve got the hang of skating, you’ve got the kit, you’ve been practicing on your shooting pad, well now is the time to start playing hockey!
So how do I start ice playing hockey as an adult ?
You’ve done most of the above, now what you need to do is find a REC team in your area that fits you:
- Ensure the team you want to join has space for you to do so.
- Find out what times the team you want to join train. Will it interfere with your personal or progressional life?
- Will the team you want to join play full contact hockey or non contact?
- Make sure the skill level is appropriate for you, although this is rec hockey, there are some very talented players.
From here, contact your local rec hockey team (a list of all rec teams are listed on the EIHA rec site see link) and speak to the team manager about getting on the ice.
Adult UK Rec Ice Hockey Registration
When you have found a team you are going to join, you will need to fill in the form that they provide. You will need a photocopy of some photo I.D (passport, driving licence) and two passport photos to go with the registration form. You will also need to bring a registration fees for the EIHA of £50. At this point you will need bring all of this to your first training session, if you have all this handed in to the team manager you can train for two weeks in a row (like a trial to see if you like hockey, this is only for people who haven’t played before) After this two weeks you the a choice to say yes hockey is for me and get registered or say no its not for me and you will get all your forms and money back.
USA & Canada rec registration
In the majority of the US and CA, joining a rec team is as simply as turning up to a session, signing in at the ice rink to confirm you are over the age of 18 and waver all liability from the team and ice rink.
Now you are a hockey player Yo
So you said hell yeah I want to play hockey to your team manager and they have sent all the paper work. You are now registered as a rec hockey player with the EIHA rec section, EIHA is the English Ice Hockey Association.
So being registered to my team what does this mean?
Well now you are registered, you are now covered to play games for that team and to also train with your team and others tams as well. If you feel like you want to play more hockey (who doesn’t) you can register for up to 3 rec teams each year
Rec hockey season
Now rec hockey is played all year round, but there come a time when we have to register for the new season and this is 1st September each year and if first get registered in April one year you will still have to get registered again for 1st September
I hope this has given you all of the info you need about becoming a hockey player in the UK, US and CA, if you need anymore info check out the EIHA Rec section website or speak to a local team. If you have ever had problems contacting a local rec team, speak to your local rink as they will be able to pass on your details or tell you some more info.
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