When you look at the previous fit families from CCM Hockey, here’s how they worked. Your skate size was found based on the length and width of your foot.

In order to find the prefer volume for your fit, this is where the difference skate family came into play. Each of the 3 skate families offered a player different internal volume inside the skate.
Jetspeed Overall Narrow fit. Forefoot narrow, Heel narrow with an anatomical fit.

Ricbore Overall flexible fit. Forefoot narrow flexible, heel symmetrical.

Super Tacks Overall Wide fit. Forefoot medium, heel medium anatomical.

The issue with this style of skate fit, is that it doesn’t cater for the majority of players but even more critically. It means the player couldn’t select the family of skate they preferred based on features or even perhaps design and colour.

This new and improved skate fit profile not only caters for a larger percentage of players but also now means that a player can now select whichever skate family they want based on the skates features and performance as all the families (Jetspeed, Ribcore and Super Tacks) come in this new fit profile.