Easton Stealth RS Ice Hockey Skates Details Of Features Review admin·September 4, 2012Easton have totally redesigned this skate like no other Easton skate other there, lets take a look at...IceProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
Hockey Shooting and Stickhandling Training Pad vs Dryland Hockey Tiles – Which is best and what is the difference ? admin·August 18, 2012In this article we take a close look at the different Hockey Shooting and Stickhandling Pads and Dryland...IceInlineProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
SweetHands Off Ice Stickhandling Trainer – Sweet Hands admin·July 31, 2012What is SweetHands? SweetHands is a stickhandling training aid. It is a unit that can be used as a...IceInlineLatest NewsProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
Snipers Edge Shooting Accuracy & Power Goal With Puck Trap admin·July 26, 2012The perfect compliment to your off ice hockey training program The Snipers Edge is a multi purpose reinforced...IceInlineLatest NewsProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
PassMaster Hockey Puck Rebounder Review admin·July 24, 2012What is the PassMaster ? The PassMaster is a hockey puck rebounder, any pucks passed at the PassMaster...IceInlineLatest NewsPassingProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
Dryland Hockey Training Tiles – Sweet Hockey Slick Dryland Training Hockey Tiles Review admin·July 21, 2012First off I’d like to say WOO HOO !! finally in the UK ! For hockey player it’s...IceInlineLatest NewsProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
Combat Hockey 45 Cal Reloaded Composite Ice Hockey Stick Review admin·July 19, 2012“Used by many NHL players as a stick of choice (not sponsorship!)” Combat 45CAL Reloaded Stick – New...IceInlineProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
T-blades – Advantages and Disadvantages of t’blades Pros & Cons admin·June 18, 2012What are t blades? The t-blade system describes a blade system for ice skates. It is based on...IceProduct Reviews·10 Comments·
Reebok 20K Ice Hockey Skates Video Review 2012 admin·May 28, 2012 20K skates are built with Pro line craftsmanship. The new Dynamic Support System solidifies the skate and...IceProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
Dangle Glove Review – Off and On Ice Hockey Training Aid Detailed Review Hockey Dangle Gloves admin·May 13, 2012 What is the Dangle Glove? The Dangle glove is a revolutionary stick handling training aid invented and...IceInlineProduct Reviews·0 Comments·