G1 Extreme Slide Board Detailed Video Review & Overview UK – Goaler One admin·November 1, 2013The G1 Extreme Slide Board is a slideboard that can be used by hockey players, skaters and goalies...IceInlineLatest NewsProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
Green Biscuit Pro Off Ice Training Puck Review admin·October 24, 2013Review of the new off ice training puck from Green Biscuit; The Green Biscuit Pro. What is it...IceInlineLatest NewsProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
Rocket Ice Hockey Sports Heated Equipment Dryer Review – Stop Hockey Gear From Smelling admin·September 11, 2013I recently purchased this great piece of kit, and I thought I’d post a review. Lets take a...IceInlineLatest NewsProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
CCM RBZ Pro Ice Hockey Skates Detailed Video Review – First impressions admin·August 11, 2013The latest and greatest creation from CCM Hockey. The premium CCM RBZ Ice Hockey Skates! This new innovative...IceProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
Brand New CCM RBZ Ice Hockey Skates admin·July 7, 2013The latest and greatest creation from CCM Hockey. The premium CCM RBZ Ice Hockey Skates! This new innovative...IceLatest NewsProduct Reviews·1 Comment·
Bauer Vapor APX Skates vs APX2 Ice Hockey Skates Review – APX Compared To APX 2 Detailed Comparison admin·April 27, 2013Following the release of the brand new Bauer Vapor APX2 Ice Hockey Skates, I thought it would be...IceProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
Fast Hands Stick handling Ice Hockey Training Aid – off ice or on ice trainer admin·April 18, 2013Fast Hands are the most versatile stick handling aid on the market today. Fast Hands are the first...IceProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
T’blade detailed video review – Tblades runner and hockey advantages and disadvantages admin·April 9, 2013What is t’blade? The t’blade system describes a blade system for ice skates. It is based on unique...IceProduct Reviews·4 Comments·
Green Biscuit Snipe Shooting Puck vs Green Biscuit Off Ice Stickhandling Puck – How Strong Is It & Can Really Shoot With It ? admin·March 18, 2013How durable/strong is the new Green Biscuit Snipe shooting puck compared to the old Green Biscuit stickhandling puck....IceInlineLatest NewsProduct Reviews·0 Comments·
Brand New 2013 Green Biscuit Snipe off ice hockey stickhandling, passing and shooting! Puck admin·March 10, 2013The Green Biscuit Puck has simply been the greatest off ice stickhandling and passing puck on that market....IceInlineLatest NewsProduct Reviews·0 Comments·